Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Chelsea Galleries Reaction

I find Rachel Harrison’s work to be very abstract and lacking any real substance.  Of all of her pieces I looked at I couldn’t understand what the underlying theme could have been or maybe it doesn’t exist at all.  In terms of abstract art, I prefer works of art which represent something more significant and more important than just the art itself.  However, I do appreciate art which represents something beautiful, but abstract art should represent something more because I usually don’t find it to be beautiful.  I don’t think her art work such as “The Help” is a good investment because I don’t see how this artist will become so popular to the extent to increase this artwork’s value in the future.  Again, I would not want to display the artist’s artwork at all.

I really did like Ernesto Neto’s work because I found it very unique and beautiful.  I suppose I still would consider it as a form abstract art, but it makes me think of a whole new magical and imaginary world.  I think some of his large pieces such as “The Island Bird” put me in an almost daydreaming like state because of the material used to construct them and their unique texture.  I think his artwork would be a good investment because of their intricacy and beauty, but I do have one concern.  The only concern that I would have before investing in Ernesto’s work is: how easily can his artwork be maintained and is there any risk of it falling apart because of the delicate material which it is made of?   I would like to display “The Island Bird” artwork as long there were not any significant risks to it being damaged where it was displayed.

Rachel Harrison
"The Help"

Rachel Harrison
"Lazy Hardware"

Ernesto Neto
"The Island Bird"

Ernesto Neto
"Sorry, I Don’t Know Exacly Where to Go"

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